How to make: This is a simple recipe for basic miso soup. A comforting favorite eaten for many meals in Japan.
Cooking time and nutrition:
Less than 10 minutes
Energy 43 kcal
Salt: 1.6 g
Protein 3.6 g
What you need:
- Silken or cotton (momen) tofu 絹ごし豆腐・または木綿豆腐-1/4 block
- Cut wakame seaweed (dried) カットわかめ(乾)- 1 teaspoon
- leek 長ねぎ-1/4
- water 水 -1 1/2 cups
- Dashi (dashi broth) or dashi broth with iriko 「ほんだし」・または「ほんだし いりこだし」- 2/3 teaspoon
- miso みそ- 1 tablespoon
- Cut tofu into 1.5 cm cubes. Cut green onion into small cubes.
- When it comes to a boil, add the tofu from (1) and cook for 1 minute.
- Dissolve the miso paste, add green onion from (1), sprinkle 1/3 teaspoon of “Hondashi” and mix. Your soup is ready!
Other toppings you may like:
Shiitake mushrooms (椎茸 – しいたけ, shiitake): Sliced or whole shiitake mushrooms add a rich, earthy flavor.
Daikon radish (大根 – だいこん, daikon): Sliced daikon radish adds a crunchy texture and mild flavor.
Carrots (にんじん, ninjin): Sliced or diced carrots add sweetness and color to the soup.Potatoes (じゃがいも, jagaimo):
Cubed potatoes add a hearty texture and mild flavor.
Spinach (ほうれん草 – ほうれんそう, hourensou): Fresh spinach leaves wilt quickly in the hot soup, adding a vibrant green color and mild flavor.
Aburaage (油揚げ – あぶらあげ, aburaage): Fried tofu pouches that soak up the flavors of the soup.
Kamaboko (蒲鉾 – かまぼこ, kamaboko): Steamed fish cake sliced into rounds or other shapes, adding a savory flavor and colorful accent.
Recipe is from here and translated by me: