The colorful leaves changing, the weather cooling, and the mornings getting darker signal the arrival of Fall. Fall is commonly known as the season of harvest, so you can find many delightful vegetables and dishes in Fall. Today’s article is about falltime vegetables in Japan!
What kind of vegetables are in season in the Fall?
There are many to see, and some may be familiar to you while others are completely new.

Why not practice some Japanese while you are at it?
Below are the translations for each of the Fall vegetables. You should be able to find all of these at any grocery store in Japan. Read about them, practice the language, and go out there and experiment with all these flavors!
Finally, try making a list in Japanese! Write down both English and Japanese on your list. You can copy the words below to get started. Then, try a little scavenger hunt at your local grocery. What kind of vegetables can you find? Are they the same ones from your home country? Are they a little different?
Autumn Vegetables
- Taro – 里芋 (さといも, satoimo)
- Sweet potato – さつまいも (satsumaimo)
- Japanese Squash – カボチャ (kabocha)
- Burdock root – 牛蒡 (ごぼう, gobou)
- Gourds – 瓜 (うり, uri)
- Turnip – かぶ (kabu)
- Yamato Potato – ヤマトイモ (やまといも, yamatoimo)
- Lotus root – れんこん (renkon)
- Chayote – ハヤトウリ (はやとうり, hayatouri)
General Fall Vocabulary
- 秋 (あき, aki) – Autumn
- 紅葉 (こうよう, kouyou) – Autumn leaves/fall foliage
- 収穫祭 (しゅうかくさい, shuukakusai) – Harvest festival